What Documents Should I Receive After Buying a House?

Documentation is rarely seen as the most exciting part of buying a house – but in all cases, having the right forms for purchasing a property is absolutely essential.
After you have purchased a house, it is easy to get carried away with the excitement of the moment, but you must also remember that there are certain documents you should receive. Many of these will be important further down the line.
If you are wondering: “What documents should you receive after buying a house?”, then you are in the perfect place. We have provided a comprehensive list below so you understand exactly what you need.
What Documents Should I Receive After Buying a House?
Stamp duty receipt
Within 30 days of completing the purchase of a house, your solicitor should provide you with confirmation that stamp duty has been paid.
Energy Performance Certificate
After the purchase of a house, you should receive an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). This documentation is a legal requirement, and it provides information on the energy efficiency of the property that you have just bought.
Property Information Form
You should receive a Property Information Form (also known as a TA6 form) after completing the purchase of a house. This documentation provides extremely valuable details about the property, including the location of water, electricity and gas meters, who is responsible for certain boundaries on the property, and much more.
Title Deeds
You should receive confirmation from your solicitor that you have been registered with the Land Registry as the owner of the property. This is often done digitally, so you may not receive a physical document straight away, but your solicitor should confirm that this has been taken care of.
Your solicitor should then provide you with a copy of the registered title showing you as “registered proprietor” within a month or two of completing the purchase of the house.
If your property has been recently built, you should have a copy of your Buildmark (NHBC) or other new home policy/warranty documents.
Indemnity insurance Certificate
You should receive an Indemnity Insurance Certificate after buying a house. This should also cover chancel repair indemnity insurance, or any other legal cover. Your solicitor will be able to advise you on the contents of this certificate, so you understand exactly what it does/doesn’t cover.
Copy of the Lease
Your solicitor should provide you with a copy of the lease, once the purchase of a house goes through. This should provide details on any service charge accounts or forecasts.
Fittings and Contents Form
A Fittings and Contents Form will provide you with crucial information about what is left in the property, once the previous owners vacate. This form outlines whether things such as light fittings, curtains and floorings are included in the sale.
Report on Title
It is important that you maintain a record of the search results that were completed on your new property. Your solicitor can provide a report on title which outlines these results.